Update your Ding! information

Thank you for activating your Ding! wallet. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing you with a secure and reliable e-wallet service, we require further documents from you to enhance our verification processes. 

Why We Need Your Employment and Financial Information

As we are regulated by the Brunei Darussalam Central Bank and need to comply with their requirements, we are required to obtain employment details from all our ding! users. Your employment and financial information play a vital role in helping us detect and prevent fraudulent financial activities. By ensuring that we have accurate and up-to-date information, we can better safeguard your account and ensure that our services remain safe, compliant, and trustworthy for all users.

Submission of Identity Cards 

To ensure our records are complete and accurate, we also request that all Ding! users submit a copy of their identity card. This step is part of our enhanced verification measures to provide you with the best possible service. 

Please fill out the following form with your current information. This will only take a few minutes and helps us to serve you better.

We understand that your privacy is important. Please be assured that all information provided will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and used solely for regulatory compliance purposes and in accordance with our ding! Terms & Conditions

Please make sure you have a stable and secure internet connection when uploading images and files

1. Personal Information

Max file size: 5000 KB | Allow file types: jpg, jpef, jpeg, gif, png, pdf
Max file size: 5000 KB | Allow file types: jpg, jpef, jpeg, gif, png, pdf
Max file size: 5000 KB | Allow file types: jpg, jpef, jpeg, gif, png, pdf
Please specify if your employment status does not fall into the above categories

2. Contact Information

Residential Home Address

Max file size: 5000 KB | Allow file types: jpg, jpef, jpeg, gif, png, pdf

3. Work Information

Please specify if your employment status does not fall into the above categories
Max file size: 5000 KB | Allow file types: jpg, jpef, jpeg, gif, png, pdf
Please state country

Only applicable to Business Owners

4. Financial Information

This refers to the origin of funds for your e-wallet e.g bank account

This refers to the purpose for opening your e-wallet account

5. PEP Information

A PEP is someone who holds a high-ranking public position or has a prominent public function in the government, military, judiciary, or international organization. E.g. ambassadors, diplomats, Ministers, Deputy or Assistant Ministers (and equivalent positions), judges of higher courts, senior officials of Government or Government owned companies, high-ranking military officials

6. Acknowledgement

 I hereby declare that the information provided in this registration form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false or misleading information provided may result in the suspension or termination of my service.  I agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth by Progresif